BloomIndoSilat (BIS) invites you to embrace the transformative power of Indonesian Silat—a martial art celebrated for its rich heritage and practical wisdom. 

Through Silat Buka Lingkaran (SBL), our holistic approach integrates self-defense mastery, holistic wellness, and artistic expression.

Join our vibrant community and experience the artistry of SBL, where every movement tells a story of resilience, growth, and personal empowerment. Whether you're seeking self-defense skills or a path to mindfulness, 

BloomIndoSilat offers a sanctuary for exploration, growth, and connection."

Get fit, have fun, learn skills useful for self-defense, and let yourself bloom with creativity

Multiple postures from Silat, a martial art from Indonesia.


Silat is the collective term for martial arts from Southeast Asia. 

At BloomIndoSilat, we practice Silat Buka Lingkaran (SBL, which translates to Silat Open Circle). Envisioned by Alvin Guinanao, this art is a holistic vision of Silat for self-defense, health, and artistry. It covers ground, upright defense, grappling, and weaponry. 

SBL also features a soft side of the art through the Kembangan, or the Bloom. It is a moving meditation aimed to improve mindfulness, health, and the quality of movement. 

SBL is suitable for all ages and also for martial artists of all levels.  

Private and Group training (organizations/ non-profits).  Email 

BloomIndoSilat BloomindoSilat Logo - Indonesian martial art Silat in Bloomington Indiana

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Group Training Schedule (Ages 12 and above)

Saturdays 03: 00 PM to 04:30 PM  (* re-scheduling may happen, please check the News page)

For group SBL training (Ages 12 and above), visit us on-site at BloomIndoSilat 


Drop in: $15 per class  (Venmo)
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Join our private Facebook Group or follow BloomIndoSilat Facebook Page to find out more. 

Check out our YouTube channel @BloomIndoSilat.

"Silat has allowed me to bridge gaps and expand on my pre-existing training, which helps me maximize both forms." Ryan

About Arthur 

Arthur was born in Indonesia and has spent more than half his life living in the US. He trains Indonesian Silat SBL (Silat Buka Lingkaran) and is currently an SBL Instructor in Bloomington, Indiana.

Arthur also holds a black belt in the eclectic martial art of Small Circle Jujitsu, training under David Rhodes Sensei at Ryukyu Kyusho Martial arts. During his travels, he has participated in MuayThai and Brazilian Jiujitsu training camps, learning at the famed EVOLVE MMA.

Being a biologist, and a National Academy of Sport and Medicine (NASM)-certified personal trainer, Arthur applies the scientific method to both his own learning and teaching. You will find his sessions to be beneficial, challenging, and fun. The end result is a healthier you, and one who knows how to defend yourself.  

"Silat has increased my strength and endurance. I have also learned how to move more smoothly into different techniques, and I have seen how these different movements can be put into practice with an opponent, or multiple opponents." Lacey

Group silat (martial art) session at BloomIndoSilat located in Bloomington, Indiana